Fly Jibb, | 1 1/4worn | |
Jibb, | 1-1/2w 2 new | |
F.T.M Staysail, | 1-1/2 worn 1 new | |
Foresail, | 2-1/3worn- 1 new | |
Fore Topsail, | 1-1/3worn 1new | |
Fore T.G. Sail, | 1-1/3worn 1 new | |
Fore Royal, | 1-1/2 1- | |
Fore Spencer, | ||
Main Sail, | 1-2/3worn-1 new | |
Main Topsail, | 2-1/4- 2 - | |
Main T.G. Sail, | 1-2/3- 2- | |
Main Royal, | 1-1/2 - 1- | |
Main Spencer, | 1-7/8- 1- | |
Mizen Topsail, | 1-3/4-1- | |
Mizen T.G.Sail, | 1-3/4-1- | |
Mizen Royal | 1-1/2 worn | |
Spanker, | 1-1/4 worm-1 new | |
T.G. Stud Sails, | 1-1/4 worn-17/8 worn and new | |
Topmast do. do. | 1-1/4worn-1new | |
Lower do. do. | 1-1/4 worn- 1 new | |
1 main staysail 1/4worn | ||
Thick Duck, | 14 Bolts | |
Heavy Ravens do, | - | |
Light do. | - | |
Cotton Drilling for Boat Sails. | ||
72lbs Twine | ||
Old Canvas, | ||
Old Junk. | ||
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